27 May 2009

The World Watches Obama (UK)

It's become fashionable to argue that the US and the international community, however that entity is defined, can do little to rein in maverick, gun-totin', bomb-throwing North Korea. Bill Clinton tried being nice, sending his secretary of state, Madeleine Albright, to Pyongyang, and that didn't work. George Bush tried being horrid, talked about the "axis of evil", then switched back to nice. That had no lasting impact, either.

South Korea, closest to the problem and with the most to lose (and perhaps gain) tried summit meetings, economic zones and other inducements. But its so-called "sunshine policy" was rained off as the North repeatedly reverted to gloomy, aggressive type. The UN security council tried sanctions, then more sanctions. Now Russia says it is contemplating even tougher sanctions. Don't hold your breath.

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