11 December 2008

The Great Wall between Iran and the US (Asia Times, HONG KONG)

As the Iranian revolution enters its fourth decade, the country's real leaders, the Shi'ite clerics who control the commanding heights of government, can be forgiven for reminding the world of their achievements.

In their 30-year quest to consolidate, widen and deepen the Islamic Revolution of 1979, the high priests of the Islamic Republic have secured an impressive list of achievements; from steering the country towards political and economic independence, and securing a solid core of a highly dedicated grassroots support base in the process, to achieving geopolitical dominance in the Middle East.

But arguably their biggest achievement has been to emerge as the most serious and effective anti-American force in the world. Simply put, in the global arena, the United States does not recognize a bigger ideological and security threat than the Islamic Republic of Iran.

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