23 November 2008

America in 2025: From Dominance to Global Partnership (Radio Netherlands)

The might of the world's greatest superpower - the USA - is set to decline over the next twenty years. America's political, economic and military dominance will give way to new powers such as China, India and Brazil, says the influential American National Intelligence Council (NIC).

The NIC paints a rather gloomy picture of America's position in the world by the year 2025. But the decline of the US has in fact already begun, says George Joffé, who is a lecturer at the Cambridge International Studies Centre in Britain. America's actions in Iraq and other parts of the world have contributed to that decline, he says, but there are more reasons:

"Simply because of the growth of the Chinese economy and the growth of the so-called ‘BRICs' - that's Brazil, Russia, India and China. And it's been clear for some time that a multi-polar world was emerging".

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